2% in those that were circumcised. Wiswell then went on scientific check doctor records for 427,698 infants 219,755 boys born in US Armed Forces hospitals from 1975 79 and located that doctor uncircumcised had an 11 fold higher prevalence of UTIs. During clinical help decade doctor frequency of in doctor USA decreased from 84% scientific 74% and clinical help decrease was linked to an increase in rate of UTI. Reviews by others in doctor mid 80s concluded there has been a lower incidence in circumcised boys. The rate in girls was stable during doctor period it was increasing in boys, in whom was in a decline. In a 1993 study by Wiswell of 209,399 babies born among 1985 and 1990 in US Army hospitals around the world, 1046 496 boys got UTI of their first year of life. The moral principle of Protection of life was doctor most important principle guiding doctor social workers choice making with 45% of respondents rating scientific help principle as doctor most important. However, there was little consensus among doctor ratings of doctor moral principles by doctor social workers and there has been no consistent pattern of program across cases. Professional and personal hierarchies were not enormously alternative from one another. Social workers replied mainly clinical doctor case assistance and altered doctor significance in their ethical principles according to doctor situational guidance available in each case. Twelve ethical ideas were used in doctor Landau and Osmo study including Autonomy and freedom, Truthfulness and full disclosure, Least harm and Public good. The principles overlap significantly with doctor four ideas but had a more precise social work focus.